Hopefully, you are enjoying your summer so far. One thing summer brings for many people is spending a lot more time out and about. Whether that is a family vacation, beach days or any other way you like to enjoy the sun, it all means you should think about keeping your home secure while you are out. While the tips below are ideal for ensuring your home is secure during a summer fun, they are applicable all year round.
Change the locks
Receiving the keys to your new home is an exciting moment, but it is also a good idea to exchange them for new keys (and locks) once you move in. You never know for certain who has had a set of keys in the past. You should also change the locks straight away if you or a family member loses a set of keys.
Lock everything
This should go without saying, but better safe than sorry. Any potential access point into your home should be locked when you head out: doors, windows, garden gates, etc.
Ditch the backup key
All the locks in the world won’t do you any good if you have a key waiting for would-be intruders. ‘Hiding’ it under a welcome mat or plant pot is not secure enough. If you want to have an extra key available, keep it in your care (which should be locked), or invest in a properly-installed key safe.
Don’t provide a tempting target
Think about how your rooms are laid out. Try to avoid having expensive items, such as TVs, anywhere that is easily visible from outside your home.
Do your socializing offline
Using social media networks to ‘check-in’ is great for sharing with friends and creating a record of happy memories, but you might be inadvertently letting strangers know when you aren’t at home. Consider waiting until you are home to post that photo, and if you are using social networks, ensure you tighten up your privacy settings.
Throw some light on the situation
Depending on the type of property you live in, install a motion-activated security light by any entrances. It is a visual deterrent for anyone prowling around, and these people will prefer to stay hidden in the shadows.